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How much does it cost to build flight booking like Expedia?


Online booking in the travel industry is in soaring demand. The travel business group is a vast business division that incorporates many segments: travel agency, restaurants, insurance agencies, etc. Travel Management software development is a division, which has been hot for many years now and hints at no chilling at any point in the near future.

Only 20% of adults in the USA choose booking flights offline, while the other 80% prefer flight booking engine. This makes it clear that investing in a flight booking app or engine like Expedia is the right move to boost revenue. If you are wondering that the cost of Flight Booking Engine Development is high, we’d like to suggest that the ROI is even higher.

Ooysource developers

How To Succeed In Online Travel Business?

To continuously improve the standards of a booking, Some of the very useful component of how to succeed in online travel business are as listed below.

  • Robust
  • Sell experties
  • Plan
  • Engage
  • Price comparison
  • API integration
  • Online payment

What Determines The Cost To Build Travel Booking Engine For Your Business?


The Internet has changed the concept of many businesses. Especially those who belong to the tourism sector. Online or OTA travel agencies are now the ones with the most power over the user. This is the case with flight booking engines like Expedia too. A platform from which you can book your flight, through the hotel to car rental. If your market niche is evolving in these areas, Flight Booking Engine Development seems the right choice.

White label or customized solutions like these provide an integrated reservations portal, access to traveller profiles, on-demand itineraries as well as a space where you can post news and information about your company's policy. While your customers have everything, they need in one location, you get an easy way to stay in touch with your customers on the go.

The administration interface of these web-based booking engines offers an ideal management of reservations, allowing you to track upcoming reservations and those awaiting payment. With the help of APIs you can offer real time information regarding seat-availability and dynamic pricing through your flight booking engines. Finally, when you change reservation states, customers receive emails to notify them automatically. These are few of the many features of travel booking engine web development for travel business.

The average cost to develop a flight booking engine app/website like Expedia varies from $15k-$100k. The cost may vary depending on the chosen OS platform, app/website design, additional features/functionalities added, API’s you want to integrate.

We can build a travel booking engine for your travel business of any complexity. With nearly a decade of experience in travel management software development, OneClick has helped businesses across the USA and world to improve their customer base.