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Integrate Beacon Low Energy (BLE) technology into your digital projects. The Beacon allows your business to directly engage in conversation with your users, your consumers. Stimulate customer experience and optimize loyalty and interaction with your brand.



With constant monitoring of the digital market, like a Bluetooth Low Energy App Development Service Company we are able to offer you the tools of tomorrow today. From product identification in retail stores, automating payment systems, to indoor navigation, and proximity marketing – BLE Technology gives a competitive edge to your business.



Bluetooth Low Energy uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies like conventional Bluetooth and a single radio antenna. Depending on its application, its coverage radius can be optimized and go up to 100m or more. It is also an interoperable and therefore standard protocol, compatible with many manufacturers and products. Finally, its power consumption is reduced, which makes it a reliable and powerful tool.


iBeacon is a technology from Apple, which enables mobile applications in iOS and Android to "listen and react" to signals emitted by Bluetooth beacons. Beacons are small wireless devices that send radio signals without interruption. Most of the time, they allow locating a user (who has the compatible application) inside a building.

With Bluetooth Low Energy Android App Development, you can create an interaction between the physical world and the virtual world in real-time through targeted push notifications.

As a leading BLE App Development Company, we aim to create applications that make life easier for companies by providing them with proximity marketing platforms.

BLE is an essential marketing tool to reach the consumer in the right place, at the right time and with the right message. It allows targeted alerts to be sent to the user based on their position and promotes impulse buying. All brands that practice "click and mortar" (a physical store and virtual store) therefore have every interest in calling on web agencies with a service of mobile application developers and integrating Bluetooth Low Energy App Development Service into their marketing strategy.

The added value of BLE technology is that thanks to the CRM-Backoffice developed to measure, you will be able to connect with your users and have millions of information on the behavior of your consumers available to your teams.